
How To Score


As you know, every team has to provide a parent to act as scorer or observer for each game.  The easiest way to do this is to draw up a roster at the beginning of the season and circulate it to your team families. Everyone will have to do it twice during the season.  The first named team on the fixture provides the scorer who must arrive early to collect the scoresheet from the SDNA office window, whilst the opposing team provides the observer (to keep the scorer on track!).

SDNA have asked for our assistance in making sure that scoresheets are filled in correctly so we have a completed copy for you to download and use as a guide for anyone in your team who is new to scoring or who may be unsure of what to complete in each section.  It may be a worthwhile reminder for some of your longer-standing team families too!

Just click here to view or download the scoresheet and the SDNA notes.

You will see that this version is labelled “During Grading”.  The attached notes explain more fully, but during the first few weeks of the competition, team grading is still being assessed by SDNA.  In this period, we need to record attempted goals with the use of a dot (as shown on the sheet).  After the grading period has ended, there is no need to record attempts, just the actual goals with the use of a vertical line: | .

If you have any queries please don’t hesitate to speak to the SDNA office at the courts.